Residential Marine Services

We handle your entire residential marine project from concept to completion, including consulting, securing all necessary federal, state and local permits, plans and engineering, and construction.
You have endless options for your project, including using all-synthetic materials for maintenance-free structures that will stand the test of time. We use best practices to preserve the precious waterfront environment while providing you with something that adds beauty, utility, and value to your property, while protecting its natural assets.
Fixed Structures:
Access gangways
Boat slips
Boat ramps
Floating piers
Foot bridges
Vehicle bridges
Shoreline Stabilization:
Beach Creation
Living Shorelines
Low Profile Sills
Marsh Toe Sills
Retaining Walls
Riprap Revetments
Slope Stabilization
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Boathouse with specilized lift for raceboat, 42' x 40' wide dual slips, New Kent County, Virginia
Residential pier and boathouse
Residential boathouse, with 200' synthetic decking, boatlift, and slip
Vehicular bridge to private island, with living shoreline, beach, and riprap breakwater.
Slope stabilization with riprap and hydroseeding, private residence, James City County, Virginia
Boathouse on the Chickahominy River with 200' pier with synthetic decking, boat lift and boat slip.
Pier and deck with boat slips, James River, James City County, Virginia
Beach creation, private residence, Chickahominy River - before
Completed beach creation/beach nourishment project with riprap erosion control. Private residence, Chickahominy River, Virginia.
Shoreline stabilization project, private residence - before
Shoreline stabilization project, riprap revetment - private residence, after
Beach creation - after construction
Beach nourishment and creation, shoreline stabilization, private residence, completed
Beach creation/Beach nourishment project
Slope stabilization project - Gabion basket wall - before
Gabion Basket Wall slope stabilization - during construction
Gabion Basket Wall - nearing completion
Shoreline stabilization project - private residence, before
Residential retaining wall