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Residential Marine Gallery

Boathouse with specilized lift for raceboat, 42' x 40' wide dual slips, New Kent County, Virginia

Residential pier and boathouse

Residential boathouse, with 200' synthetic decking, boatlift, and slip

Vehicular bridge to private island, with living shoreline, beach, and riprap breakwater.

Slope stabilization with riprap and hydroseeding, private residence, James City County, Virginia

Boathouse on the Chickahominy River with 200' pier with synthetic decking, boat lift and boat slip.

Pier and deck with boat slips, James River, James City County, Virginia

Beach creation, private residence, Chickahominy River - before

Completed beach creation/beach nourishment project with riprap erosion control. Private residence, Chickahominy River, Virginia.

Shoreline stabilization project, private residence - before

Shoreline stabilization project, riprap revetment - private residence, after

Beach creation - after construction

Beach nourishment and creation, shoreline stabilization, private residence, completed

Beach creation/Beach nourishment project

Slope stabilization project - Gabion basket wall - before

Gabion Basket Wall slope stabilization - during construction

Gabion Basket Wall - nearing completion

Shoreline stabilization project - private residence, before

Residential retaining wall
Commercial Marine Gallery

Breakwater with riprap revetment, road grading, and landscaping - Muses Beach

Vehicular bridge to private island, with living shoreline, beach, and riprap breakwater.

National Park Service Boat Ramp and Tending Piers, Wise Point

Wise Point Boat Ramp and heavy-duty tending pier/wharf

Government Boathouse and dock-slider

Quinby Harbor 350' Bulkhead and Tending Pier, Phase 1

Quinby Harbor 350' bulkhead and tending dock

Lawnes Creek, Surrey County, Virginia - Boat ramp with synthetic tending piers and pilings

400' Waterline project using all synthetic materials, College Creek, James City County, Va

Government project: Slope stabilization by WEC, Westmoreland State Park, Virginia - during construction

Government project: Slope stabilization by WEC, Westmoreland State Park, Virginia - under construction

Slope Stabilization, Westmoreland State Park - completed

Lake Brittle floating concrete fishing pier - public facility

City of Hampton, Sunset Creek boat ramp during construction

Sunset Creek Boat Ramp and Tending Piers

Beach nourishment and creation, shoreline stabilization, private residence, completed

Beach creation, beach nourishment - during construction

York County, Virginia, New Quarter Park

New Quarter Park, Floating gangway construction

New Quarter Park, riprap and site stabilization

Smurfit Stone, Hopewell, Virginia - Commercial job, cutoff wall installation

Sycamore Landing slope stabilization project, beginning of project - Croaker, Va

Shoreline stabilization - Sycamore Landing, Croaker, Virginia

Shoreline stabilization project, private residence - before

Shoreline stabilization completed- Sycamore Landing, Croaker, Virginia